31 Ağustos 2006

Zeno's Paradox

At any given moment, an arrow must be either where it is or where it is not. But obviously it cannot be where it is not. And if it is where it is, that is equivalent to saying that it is at rest.

-- Zeno's paradox of the moving (still?) arrow

27 Ağustos 2006

Trafik Kazasi

Gecen Carsamba gunu, Avcilar otoban baglanti yolunda giderken trafik anlamsiz sekilde yavaslayarak durma noktasina geldi. Bir kaza oldugu belli idi. Bir süre emekleme hizinda ilerledikten sonra orta seritteki arabalar saga ve sola acilarak kaza sahnesini gormeme izin verdiler.

Orta seritte capraz sekilde duran ve on kaportasi agir darbe almis Renault marka bir arac ve 4-5 metre gerisinde yerde yatan (muhtemelen olu) bir esek vardi.

Orada o esegin ne isi vardi acaba? Sahibi bu isten ne kadar sorumlu, arac sahibi ne kadar suclu?

Gecmiste bir tanidigim da otobanda sol seritte 140 km/sa hizla giderken ters yonde ayni seritte gelen bir inege carpmisti. Inek sahibi tanidigimdan para istemisti. Bu arada tanidigin birkac takla atarak arabadan burnu kanamadan ciktigini soylememe gerek yok. Zira ortada para istenecek bir surucu olmayabilirdi de.

Zincir Kurali

Olay birkac sene once cereyan etti. Bir gun ITU Gumussuyu Kampusu'nden ciktim ve Taksim'e dogru yurumeye basladim. Yolun kenarinda oturan dilenci kilikli bir amca birden yerinden kalkarak bana dogru gelmeye basladi. Amca daha bana yaklasmadan ictigi Maltepe'nin kokusu bana kadar geliyordu. Elimi cebime attim ve biraz bozuk para vermeye niyetlendim. Ancak bu sirada amca yanima geldi ve elinde tuttugu kagidi bana uzatarak: "Burada 't'ye gore turev aldiktan sonra neden tekrar 'x'e gore turev alindigini anlamadim" dedi.

Tabii ki bu beklenmedik bir soru idi. Afalladim, soruyu tekrar etmesini istedim. Tekrar kagit uzerinde gostererek sordu. Bildigimiz zincir kurali oldugunu anladim ama o kagidi nerden buldugunu veya kime yazdirdigini anlamadim. Zira amca gercekten de bu konularla ilgisi olan biri gibi gorunmuyordu. Tabii sormustu bir kere.

Ben de kuralin adini soyleyerek, uzun uzun anlattim. Istenirse denklemin sonsuza kadar uzatilabilecegini vs. vs. anlattim. Amca tesekkur etti ve az once oturmakta oldugu yere dondu, dusunceli dusunceli kagida bakmaya devam etti.

Basimdan gecen en ilginc olaylardan biriydi diyebilirim.

22 Ağustos 2006

27 - 28

Kurt Cobain killed himself when he was 27, and i am 27.

Jim Morrison was 28 when he died, and i am soon going to be 28.

Janis Joplin was 27 when she overdosed heroin.

Jimi Hendrix died at the age of 27.

It is better not to think much about anything. I feel sad, i need to get out from this sucking life. Life itself has to be different, meaningful. Not just an empty bottle full of nothing.

I need something but do not know what it is. I need help...

21 Ağustos 2006

About Life

Life is like a bad margarita with good tequila.

-- Peter Applebome

18 Ağustos 2006


Yesterday evening, i found a single white hair. I hold it to be sure, then i lost it... If i am getting old, someday i am going to die. I don't know why but i feel better now.

15 Ağustos 2006

Is This An Accident?

Saturday morning, while i was on my way to Ormanli, a paragliding site northwest of Istanbul, a strangest thing happened. On a road between some villages, i met a thin rope that was attached to trees on both sides of the road. Actually, recognising it as attached to trees, gave me some scars.

I was riding on my bike, with 80 km/h. I saw the rope which was 20 cm away from my throat. I went on my way for about 40 cm, and it was just the time that i recognised that the rope was attached to trees. I went 40cm-20cm=20cm back relative to bike, tried not to choke and keep my head above my shoulders. The bike was alerted too and decided to leave the road. At that moment, the rope also decided not to choke me or take my head or take me completely, and detached or broke off.

I controlled the bike again, decided not to stop. Actually i was glad that still rolling on two wheels. I checked my throat, saw no sign of blood, took some breath, that was ok too! So no problem.

07 Ağustos 2006

WOW, What a game man!!!

you have to download and play this tremulous. fast fast fast, open source game, works on almost all platforms. i forgot the time again

06 Ağustos 2006

What and Why are Borders?

- Suppose that you're an alien, on a mission to discover a blue small planet that has life on it. You arrive to the planet system and start to watch it. You soon realize that this very small planet does have borders, with a population of a few billions, which have different languages, different beliefs.

Even this stupid crowd is having tiny wars with their tiny war machines, killing each other in the name of nothing.

You start to wonder why these wars' reasons are. It seems that the values beneath the ground somehow attracts the ones that do not have it (actually they have but want more). Whose resources are those that lie beneath the ground anyway? Who made you think that those resources belong to someone? Why don't you share them, considering the needs? Why do you need them in the first place? If these resources are so valuable, i can invade the planet now, and take all of it right now!

- Suppose that you're a civilized man, on a mission to discover an area that has uncivilized tribes around. You arrive to the area and start to watch the tribes. You soon to realize that this very small tribes do have borders, with a population of a few hundreds, they have different languages, different beliefs.

Even this stupid crowd is having tiny wars with their spears and arrows, killing each other in the name of nothing.

You start to wonder why these wars' reasons are...

Stop it man, it does not make any sense. You tell us about European Union, American Union, Islamic Union, etc. A civilized species would laugh their ass of, as i can laugh to the wars of the tribes.


05 Ağustos 2006

post via e-mail

Just another try to post via e-mail...

post, using gnome-blogger

trying gnome-blogger

Hello World
